Right to work, to education and to public assistance in certain cases for people with disability. According to Census 2011, there were about 2.68 crore persons with disabilities in India, constituting 2.21% of the total population in the country. The mandate of the Constitution of India is to ensure equality, freedom, justice and dignity of all individuals, which implies an inclusive society for all, especially the disadvantaged. Enactment of the "Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995" (hereinafter, the PwD Act), which provided for education, employment, nondiscrimination and social security for persons with disabilities (since repealed).
The objectives of the revised of the scheme are:
1-To create an enabling environment to ensure equal opportunities, equity, social justice and empowerment of persons with disabilities.
2-To encourage voluntary action for ensuring effective implementation of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016.
The approach of this Scheme is to provide financial assistance to voluntary organizations to make available the whole range of services necessary for rehabilitation of persons with disabilities including early intervention, development of daily living skills, education and training. With a view to inclusion of persons with disabilities in the mainstream of society and actualizing their potential, the thrust would be on education and training programmes. In order to achieve the objectives of the scheme, the key strategies will be as follows:
i. To enhance educational opportunities at all levels and in all forms and enlarge the scope of vocational and professional opportunities, income generation and gainful occupations.
ii. To implement outreach and comprehensive Community Based Rehabilitation programmes in urban and rural environments.
iii. To support manpower development activities to train required personnel at different levels for all programmes/ projects/activities for persons with disabilities.
iv. To encourage coordination, cooperation and networking and multisectoral linkages.
v. To support people with disabilities in projects which are environment friendly and eco-promotive. vi. To establish and support facilities for recreation, leisure-time activities, excursions, creative and performing arts, cultural and socially inclusive activities etc.
vii. To support and facilitate the availability of appropriate housing, homes and hostel facilities. viii. To support such other measures, which may meet the needs of the persons with disabilities and fulfill the obligations as prescribed under the law.
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