THE Impact Ranking 2021: In the third edition of the Times Higher Education (THE) Impact Ranking, the Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham is the only Indian university to be ranked among the top 100. The university was ranked 81st out of 1240 universities from 98 countries and regions in the university ranking list.
Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham was also ranked fifth in the world for ‘quality education' and eighth in the world for ‘gender equality.' The university is ranked 37th in terms of ‘good health and well-being,' and 52nd in terms of ‘clean water and sanitation.' Prior to this, the university was ranked in the 301-400 range.
JSS Academy of Higher Education and Research and Lovely Professional University are two other Indian universities in the 101-200 range. The JSS Academy is ranked 49th in terms of ‘zero hunger,' 52nd in terms of ‘good health and well-being,' joint 81st in terms of ‘climate action,' joint 70th in terms of ‘life on earth,' and 97th in terms of ‘responsible consumption and output.'