Agriculture is a science that studies a number of scientific, technological, and business subjects related to agriculture, horticulture, farm management, poultry farming, dairy farming, agricultural biotechnology, and so on. With cutting-edge research and constant advancement in the industry, the scope of a career in agriculture has expanded significantly in recent years.
Our economy's backbone remains the agricultural industry. Despite all of the technological developments and plans put in place after Independence, there is still a lot of untapped potential in this region. If you have a science background, concentrating on a career in agricultural science after class 12 could be extremely beneficial to both you and the country.
Students with a bachelor's or master's degree in agriculture will find high-paying jobs in both the public and private sectors. Agricultural research scientists, agriculture officers, production managers, farm managers, and other positions are open to them. Students interested in teaching, accounting, or insurance may also seek careers in these areas.
For those interested in agricultural science, the NNE (National Network of Education) has compiled a list of various career options.
Agricultural Engineering
Agricultural Science
Agriculture Economics
Dairy Farming
Dairy Technology and Management
Forest Ranger
Forestry and Wild Life
Plant Pathology
Poultry Farming
Rural Management
Veterinary Science