According to Vice-Chancellor Yogesh Singh on Wednesday, the Delhi University (DU) will "very soon" publish the Common Seat Allocation System (CSAS) online for applicants to fill out applications for admission to undergraduate degrees. This year, the university will accept applicants based on their performance on the Common University Entrance Test (CUET). On Tuesday, the inaugural CUET UG came to an end. All phases of the CUET UG were supposed to end on August 20 according to the original plan. Admission to the DU was delayed as a result of the delay in the CUET UG.
"We will start the CSAS portal for the aspirants very soon. The work is in progress. And we will start the admission process very soon," Vice-Chancellor told PTI. However, he did not give any tentative date for the portal launch. Earlier, the university was expected to launch the portal by the last week of August.
Admission through the CSAS will be conducted in three phases -- submission of the CSAS 2022 application form, selection of programmes and filling of preferences, and seat allocation and admission. It is the second phase where the CUET score is required. The second phase of the admission process can only begin after the declaration of the CUET UG 2022 results. A candidate will have to select the programmes in which they want to take admission.
They will have to confirm the programme-specific CUET UG merit score for all the selected programmes. In the third phase, seats will be allocated through a merit list. In mid-August, the DU notified that it will soon launch its application process for admission to undergraduate programmes for the new academic session and asked the candidates to ensure that their documents and certificates are ready by August 31.
The University Grants Commission (UGC) had, in March, announced that it will be mandatory for all central universities to admit students through the CUET. From technical glitches to a last-minute change in the exam centres and uninformed changes in the exam dates to admit cards mentioning past dates, the students faced several issues.With 14.9 lakh registrations, the CUET, the common gateway for undergraduate admissions in all central universities is now the second biggest entrance exam in the country, surpassing the JEE Main's average registration of nine lakh. The NEET UG is the biggest entrance test in India with an average of 18 lakh registrations.