The Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission (UPPSC) has issued a call for applications to fill over 100 vacancies across the state. Candidates can fill out and submit application forms for this recruitment drive on or before July 5, according to the Commission's official website. Candidates must, however, pay the application cost by July 1.
Vacancy Details
Economic and Statistical Officer: 2 posts
Lecturers in Government Govind Ballabh Pant polytechnic Mohan Road, Lucknow: 4 posts
Assistant Professors in different specialties in medical education department: 102 posts
UP Horticulture and Food Processing Department: 14 posts
Deputy Director, (General Recruitment) Under Training Division, State Planning Institute U.P. Lucknow: 1 post
Research Assistant (Engineering) (General Recruitment) State Planning Institute (Naveen Prabhag), Uttar Pradesh Kalakankar Bhawan Lucknow: 1 post
Entomological Assistant under national malaria control programme/ vector born disease programme under medical and health services: 1 post
Assistant planner: 3 posts
Executive Officer, Directorate of NCC: 1 post
Lecturer Arabic for Government Unani Medical Colleges: 1 post
In addition, the Commission is accepting applications for 3,620 medical officer positions. The application form must be submitted no later than June 25. 67700-208700/6600/Academic Level-11 is the pay scale for this position.